Friday, March 20, 2009

Fatherhood Friday

I wish I could say I had a post all lined up for this week's Fatherhood Friday...but I don't.  You see, I inadvertantly posted what I was going to write about for today yesterday.  Ugh.  I know this probably breaks some obscure blogging rule somewhere, but I'm going to tell you to read yesterday's "You're right" post.

I know, I suck.

I'll be back to my regularly scheduled randomness on Monday.


Melisa Wells said...

Hey, if this is the biggest "rule" you've broken, then you're doing pretty well. :)

Going to read it now...

BellaDaddy said...

Dang, I can SO RELATE...allst posted one I wrote a year ago :-)

Sometimes, ya just hafta take a break...or rather, work your butt off and run out of time for anything else LOL

Otter Thomas said...

I read yesterday but I will leave a comment here today. I have trouble admitting I am wrong like most other men. Good for you and Shank Rabbit finding humor in the situation.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when that happens!

Joeprah said...

Rules? What rules?