Monday, December 1, 2008

Metaphorical much?

It took me 4 years, but I am finally done:

(Full View)

(Close-up of the stitching. I believe the main part is a half-double and the border is a double)

It was my first crochet project - pretty ambitious, I must say.

This blanket kept me company on many a bus/train ride to and from work in downtown Chicago and Milwaukee. This was my "baby" matter where I was or what I was doing, I could always pick this piece up and begin where I left off without a hitch. It has seen me through heartbreak, love, grief, happiness and several relocations. My therapist in yarn.

I've completed several projects since the dawn of this one, but subconciously I think I wasn't ready to let it it was never officially completed. Could someone look past the odd size, dropped stitches, uneven edges, and inconsistencies and love it as much as I do? I could only think of one person. So, Sunday night I bit the bullet and put in the last few stitches.

I am happy to say my husband is now the proud owner.

Obligatory Introductory Post

Here I am. I caved and started my very own blog.

I'm not a virgin to the blogosphere by any means...I have a livejournal, a family blog, and I sometimes (ok, once so far) contribute to my husband's techie blog. Blogging is very familiar to me. However, this is the first official public blog of my very own. I am in complete control over every aspect. How cool?! Although, it has its drawbacks:

1. I have no one to blame when something goes awry
2. I have to take full responsibility for spelling errors, grammatical errors and general nonsense
3. Its my own fault if posts are few and far between

Meh...who cares. If you are looking for Pulitzer-quality writing, you've come to the wrong place. Hell, you may want to skip blog-reading altogether. But, I digress...

Here's an intro to they key players in my life:

"ShankRabbit" - my husband, best friend and all around good guy.
"Peanut" - our easy-going, smiley 7.5 month old daughter.

So, there you go. Welcome to my new endeavor. I hope you find something of worth of here...or at least something to read while you're on the crapper (that's what laptops are for, no?).