Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Short Wednesday post

I've had this "new post" screen up for an hour and a half. It's not that I can't think of anything to write today, I'm just in the middle of three things...and as all parents know, you try to get as much done during nap time as possible.

A few tidbits...

- I just downloaded the new Joshua Radin CD from for $1.99. Word.

- It is supposed to be in the 40s today! YAHOO! Warm weather, here we come!

- I had a dream last night about going to a job interview .I blame my best friend for that subconscious suggestion. And if you are reading this Beamer, good luck!

Crap...Peanut is awake. See what happens when you try to make a quick post?

* * * * *
Dance Party Time!
(Have no idea what I'm referring to? the bottom of this post)

Artist/Band: Cheap Trick (or the Letters to Cleo cover works, too)
Song Title: I Want You To Want Me
Kid-friendly?: Yes