Monday, May 18, 2009

Miscellaneous Monday

(how often do you see the word "miscellaneous" spelled out in its entirety? Not often enough, I say!)

1. We are awaiting the arrival of our best friends' baby. B had to be here is to hoping things go smoothly. ShankRabbit left his cell phone (a fancy schmancy new Blackberry Storm) turned up last night, so every time it made a sound, I jumped up thinking, "BABY?!"

1b. I also got one of those fancy schmancy phones (thank you, buy one get one free!). I *heart* it so far.

2. I spent a good portion of yesterday in a cleaning frenzy. Unfortunately, all of my hard work only resulted in getting two rooms done - Peanut's bedroom and the kitchen. That's what I get for wanting to scrub the floors on my hands and knees.

3. Supplies were purchased for growing our own herbs (basil, cilantro, chives, oregano). We wanted to get it all set up last night, but had to wait until Peanut was in bed. Since we had the soil, we decided to re-pot our houseplants as well. It was too dark and chilly outside for my taste, so I thought it would be a good idea to work in the kitchen. You know, on the floor I scrubbed.

I am a bright one, I am (I blame the margaritas).