Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fatherhood Friday: Dads are the Best!

Visit Dad-Blogs to get more information on Fatherhood Friday. Great group of people - dads and moms alike!

I decided to take this Fatherhood Friday and focus on dads (wow! What an innovative concept, Isabella!).
Back story: I felt bad last night because I inadvertently made ShankRabbit feel "not good enough" in relation to parenting Peanut. It was certainly not my intent...and I want all the fathers, not just ShankRabbit, to know how important your role is in your child's life.

I don't want to bore you with my never-ending emotional babble (seriously, falling asleep at the keyboard is never recommended), so I'll just inundate you with photos...sound good? Here we go -

Why Dads Are The Best

No one can do nap time quite like a dad

And even when he's not sleeping, he's still great to fall asleep on

He doesn't just feed the child...he bonds, he connects

And he can multitask like a mo fo (dishes AND baby wearing)!

He is passionate about his interests and eager to share all he knows

even making sure the child has a "well-rounded" experience (e.g. cheesy cover band at State Fair)

He knows how to have fun (photo shoot, FTW!)

No matter the time or place, he'll get right in and play

even coordinate costumes on Halloween...'cause he's just that cool

Simply put...there is no one like you.


-Justin said...

Fun, fun post! I enjoy both your blogs immensely! Thanks! (And I couldn't agree more about the napping!)

E.Payne said...

Dads rock! There's no book on this stuff. I'm glad he's pulling it off well.

Call Me Cate said...

Aww, sweetness...

Jason said...

Awesome post. Love the pictures. Great job daddying there Shankrabbit!

Andrew's Daddies said...

Nice pics. Shankrabbit moves up my the list of HDs. These pics were awesome...what a great dad

Unknown said...

That is one great post Isabella! A photo journey through fatherhood ftw. Sweet. I love the Halloween pic. Shank, you be a good dad.

KWG said...

Amen, sister. Bruthas are doin' it for themselves.

My wife keeps saying that even though Bea is Mama's girl now, she'll be daddy's girl for the rest of her life.

MileHighDad said...

Great photos, takes me back to the day!

BellaDaddy said...

I wanna come live in YOUR house ;-)

shhh, mine is NEVER allowed to load the dishwasher (re: other post)...;-)

Un-Hawthorne-ed said...

You had to go and make my brother all sure of himself again. He still hasn't stopped hamming it up for the camera. Hopefully Niamonster doesn't take after his desire to look at himself in any and all reflective surfaces. Ok, fine, it was a super cute post, I admit it.

ciara said...

great post isabella. shank totally ranks as a dad. i'm glad to see dads like this. i've had my share of dads who don't parent. *sigh* all these pics are so adorable :)

Dani said...

Awe what a fun idea! I need to do something like this for my hubby. That's so cool that he coordinated costumes on Halloween with the baby. What an adorable daddy!

New-Dad-blog said...

We all know Shank Rabbit is awesome, but two FF posts? Come on!


Lauren said...

Loved the pics. Great Post! Thank you for sharing.

Happy FF!

Otter Thomas said...

Great photos.

Mocha Dad said...

Dads are awesome! I'm so happy to be one.

john said...

what a nice post and what great pics. Memories to last a lifetime.

Rob said...

Great post and awesome pics. I like to see other dads that baby wear, AWESOME!

Tales of Cheerios and Sleepless Nights said...

Shankrabbit is a GREAT dad! He's such a natural. Same to you (except please replace "dad" with "mom"). And your little Peanut is so sweet!

shane said...

Wow, what a great way to show your spouse that they're doing a good job- well done

Melisa Wells said...

So sweet!
All of the photos are fab, but my fave is the cover band one. LOVE IT!

C. Beth said...

That is very, VERY sweet. :)

Busy-Dad-E said...

Great photos! Being a dad is fun (and a nice cover for actin' silly). Cheers.