Friday, March 6, 2009

A body part by any other name...

Ah yes, another Fatherhood Friday. Today's topic: body part names

I'm not talking about your arms or feet...

I hope you know where I'm going with this.

In our household, the women-folk have a "hooha" and then some variation of ta-tas/boobies. I would like to clarify that our child will know the proper terminology for each part, but it won't be our 'go-to' word. This applies to any body part, really - how often do you call your collarbone a clavicle?

I know some mothers prefer not to use nicknames for these parts, going straight for the medical terms. They argue that if the child had to communicate something about these parts (lets say, to a doctor or police officer) they wouldn't understand.

I'm all for teaching your child the proper terminology, but the reason above is not a strong argument.

Children are pretty adamant about trying to make you understand what they are a little thing like a nickname for a part isn't going to stifle what they have to say - they'd probably just point and say "this thing!"

So, here's a question to you: What do you think? Do you have nicknames for these parts?


Anonymous said...

I call my wife's vagina "Steve." Is that weird?

Just kidding. We refer to it as "cooch" and honestly, there's no nickname for my private man parts. Although there should be. I'm partial to "Maximus."

And boobies are boobies. Always will be. I love boobies.

WeaselMomma said...

I'm all about the nick-names! You'd have to be a moron not to able to translate Hooha and ta-ta's.

It's Daddies. Plural. said...

We call our daughters, 'you-know-what" a 'peek-a-choo'. Come on... two gay dads are NOT going to say the V word. Nope. Not happening. Cher and Madonna could come knocking on the door and ask us to say it it it's never going to happen. Now... if Bette Midler came to the door with them, we'd have to think about it :)

Anonymous said...

It's the dingle and suzie. Which easily eliminates one girl name for when we're deciding.

Anonymous said...

My son told me about his classmate who was showing his weiner to everyone in carpool line.

Anonymous said...

I prefer "lady business" or "wooha".

I don't want to teach the word "vagina" to my daughter anytime soon. . .

Anonymous said...

LOL I'm crying on your post and all the comments!!! I would like to follow suit and say we have nicknames with the kids but their mother is a strong believer in using the correct terminology so we have done so from the beginning.

Otter Thomas said...

I will be going for the nick names. If your doctor can't figure out what they mean then it is probably time to find a new doctor.

Isabella said...

@ Daddy Files - Come to think of it, we don't have a nickname for guy parts in our household either.

"Maximus"...I knew a guy who used to call his "Greatness" - it had something to do with a Shakespeare play (MacBeth, I think?) about having 'greatness thrust upon you.' LOL

@ WeaselMomma - I completely agree. You may not agree with the nicknames, but you have to know what they are talking about.

@ It's Daddies. Plural - LOL! Never thought of it that way. Now, whenever Pokemon comes on TV, I'm sure I'll giggle every time they say Pikachu. :)

@ Apok - BAHAHAHAHA! I laughed so loud I almost woke up my daughter from her nap.

@ Mocha Dad - mistaking what that is supposed to mean. :)

@ New-Dad-Blog - Same here! Although, when her grandma is changing her diaper, that's what she calls it...and it makes me cringe every time.

@ John Wildermuth - Well, you don't necessarily have to teach the have a way of coming up with their own terminology most of the time.

@ Otter Thomas - Amen brotha! :)

Joeprah said...

Nick names and proper names. Our girls thought everything was their 'butt' for while there. But then it switched to 'girl part' and 'butt' and sometimes they got those confused. Our youngest daughter calls my goods 'daddies heinee' and she does know she has a vagina. We use names medical and otherwise, but the nicknames seemed to get confused.

Anonymous said...

LOL, I thought I was the only one that used Maximus! Although, mine is Maximus Gigantus, so I guess it IS a little differnt.

Other than that, we use nicknames for everything. I'm not ready for the V word either.

I read on one blog someone used "business" for their business and it just got too confusing. Now where the hell did I read that?

Pam said...

i'm like joe, i have used both. but my kids are not little, they can handle the medical terminology. i do mention the nicknames too cos somewhere out there someone will use terminology my girls may not know and i'm trying to keep them aware. they need to be careful. i have open door policy and if they have questions, i will answer w an appropriate response.

children do try to make you understand what they are saying, but a lot of the time, they don't get it out there correctly. sometimes you don't know what they're saying at all (very young children).

good grief, NO LIE, my word veri is 'peter' wt..? lol

-Justin said...

When I was growing up, my brother and I had 'dingers'. I have a friend who's daughters call their nipples 'mosquito bites'. As for my house, I have a two year old, so we haven't even gone there yet. As for the fifteen year old, I don't remember even going there, so, ... huh, maybe we should have a talk...

Busy-Dad-E said...

This was quite funny. Our boys are still pretty young, so we go with "pee-pee" for boy parts. My wife had a college roommate who called them "pee-pee tails." She refers to her girl parts as "butt", and if asked (fortunately we haven't), well go with that.

However, hhen the time is more appropriate, we plan to teach them the appropriate terms.

My all-time favorite nickname is "taint." Thank you, SNL.

john said...

everything was a pee-pee or private parts, pending on what they were doing at the time. (boring I know) But now as they are older, they use the proper termonology. Of course, after 'the talk'

Anonymous said...

You know, I've never thought about this. I do want them to learn the right terminology but not sure when to start the process. Our oldest is only 3 years and our youngest is only 7 months.