Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Winner!

And there we have it, folks...a random number has been chosen. After making sure everyone was assigned a proper number (had to exclude any posts that didn't ShankRabbit's and mine), I consulted for a number...and it was...


Congratulations, beckiwithani!

And since she was referred by C. Beth, she wins as well!

So ladies, please email me at jenniferisabella [at] gmail [dot] com to discuss fabrics and such.

To everyone else, thank you for your comments. It's always nice to feel the love every once in a while (even if it was solicited by free things).


C. Beth said...


Didn't you win my bear giveaway? If so...pretty cool that we won each others' handmade giveaways....

beckiwithani said...

Yay, how exciting! I will email you. Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...


Isabella said...
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Isabella said...

Pictures of fabrics have been sent to you both. :)

p.s. no, I didn't win the bear. I wish I did, was cute!

C. Beth said...

Oh, it was another Jen who won then. Right name, wrong person. Now I'm wondering who it was....