Thursday, December 11, 2008

A much needed break

The last 24+ hours have been crazy in this household. Top off all the things I had to do with one clingy/ teething / possibly sick baby, and it just gets crazier.

I'm the master of one-handing tasks, though. I spent 2.5 hours in our church's office labeling offering envelopes...with one hand...while cradling a half-sleeping baby.

I rock.

So, what's wrong with Peanut, you ask? Well, I don't know.

Caution: if you're squeamish when it comes to reading about baby poo, turn away now...

She's not really sick (no fever, no cough, no sneezing...), but I can safely guess she has pooped her weight over the last 24 hours. I'm thinking it might be because she's teething...I hope. I hope this is not a precursor to some strange stomach flu. Fortunately, she didn't have any *ahem* issues while we were at church (thank goodness!).

As I wrote that last sentence, I heard a loud, ominous rumble from Peanut's diaper. I now have a few more items to throw in the washer, including a futon cover...

But she's as happy as can I'm stumped.

* * *
My darling, wonderful husband just came home and said, "I'm taking Peanut with me for an hour. Go have some 'you' time."

I spent a good portion of my day elbow-deep in poopy diapers and I hear this right when he gets home from work.

I think it's time for a long, hot bath.

Have I mentioned how much I love this man?

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